How to optimize your App Store keywords?

App Store

How to optimize your App Store keywords?

After completing your keywords research and adding the best ones to your app title, it is time to place the rest of your targeted keywords in the Keywords set. This field is 100 characters long, and there are certain rules that you should follow when adding keywords to this field.  

Level: Doable
Read time: 52 seconds
Number of steps: 4


Use as many of the 100 characters as possible. Use each word once; more mentions won’t help you.Exclude keywords that are in your app title, publisher name, and your chosen app categories. There is no need to add the word “free” if the app is free.


Separate each individual word with a comma and remove all spaces. The iTunes algorithm will automatically group the individual words into keyword phrases, so try to combine keywords to explore all possible keyphrases.


Consider using single and plural forms if they are not very similar. Favor shorter words over longer words so you can use more keywords in your list.

4. Localize

Localize your keywords for every language. Keywords from the U.S. store are searchable worldwide, even if localized.


The keywords you target directly impact the search terms you rank for. After completing your keywords research and creating your keywords list, follow these guidelines and update your best terms in the keywords set. Once your new version is released, your update will be available on the App Store. Within a few days you should see the impact of your keywords on search rank and organic traffic. To maximize success, keep the winning keywords and replace the ones that didn’t do so well in your next version update.


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